Assessment Clinic

The PSCTC Assessment Clinic offer psycho-educational assessments and/or consultation for children, youth and adult students (Grade 12 to post-secondary) who have questions about their cognitive, academic, social-emotional, or behavioural strengths and weaknesses in order to provide diagnoses and/or to develop strategies to meet their individual learning needs.

Young clients are referred by their parents, community agencies, or practitioners in schools and agencies, while many adult clients (post-secondary students) are either referred by themselves or referred on the recommendation of a secondary school or post-secondary institution.

Clinicians include graduate students under the supervision of Registered Psychologists, recent graduates from the UBC School and Applied Child Psychology training program, or Certified School Psychologists.

Overall coordination of work in the Clinic is provided by the Director, supported by the Assessment Clinic Coordinator and our Administrative team.

The assessment process in the Assessment Clinic is oriented toward efficiency for the client with a clear focus on referral problems and a commitment to detailed recommendations for intervention and support in educational and workplace settings. Although, cases may be selected to meet specific training needs of the graduate student training programs; once started, the assessment process is expected to be completed within about 6-8 weeks from the first intake meeting with the assessor.

Current fees for assessment are:
$1,800.00 for assessment with a clinician under supervision
$2,500.00 for assessment undertaken by Registered Psychologist

For further information, please contact the PSCTC by phone 604-822-1364.

Update – 2025-26 Academic Year

Both our child/youth waitlists for 2025/26 will be open on July 2nd.

If interested, please kindly contact PSCTC by phone at 604-822-1364.